Saturday, 26 October 2013

Cape to Cape - Day 3 and 4 done!

Day 3 - 10th

Day 3 was alot better that day 2.
Managed to hold on all the way to the end while coughing my guts up. Sorry to the boys behind me :S

Day 4 - not sure position but top 10 I think same as day 2 but a bit more interesting.

Just as I caught up to the lead pack as I had to keep doing for the first 40k, Team mate Mark Fenner (also known as gollum due to his bald toothless 2% body fat 68 year old appearance) drilled me to lead him out infront on the road...we got caught then he wanted to go again!! We made it a bit further before being caught again then he conviced me to launch solo, I lasted around a K. This was all in between pushes from the whole bunch. Tough day.

As my first stage race. It was not ideal starting the week with the flu which lead to a chest infection on day 2 then the sprained wrist added to my problems during the 1 of 3 ass over tit moments in stage 2. But the racing was all good experience for the future.

Thank you to the Torq team, unreal support. Blown away with how much time and effort Dean and Ed have put in to helping everyone in the team.

Loving my team sponsors!
Torq Australia
Adidas Eyewear

Looking forward to kick back and watch the cape to cape 2 hour special on sbs soon.

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